Sunday, January 11, 2009

and in that moment I swear we were infinite.

One of my loves is Star Wars; while I admit I'm not a junkie, or watch it on a regular basis, Star Wars when watched rocks my socks quite well. [Also the fact that the original Star Wars uses muppets just makes me love it more]

This is why I love Spike: the channel because every little while it will do a Star Wars marathon [a minute ago, A.T and I almost restarted an argument about whether Return of the Jedi, aka the episode with the ewoks, is the second or third in the trilogy which is an argument I firmly whooped his ass in a couple months ago - the last time we watched the exact same marathon] which is lovely.

Tomorrow will be the start of the second week back to classes - truly I wish it was still just the beginning of the weekend because honestly, my weekend was fabulous. Fabulous in that relatively nothing was accomplished and yet so many things were: one was going to see two of my darling roommates act in two hilarious 1 act plays and having our house invaded later that night by what seemed like a million drama kids [in a way I felt like a keen observer of drama society; I'm sure Kyle felt even more like an observer being the engineer kid that he is] for their cast party...after a little bit though, even documentary makers get tired of their subjects so we left with a bowl of popcorn and went to finish watching Read or Die and generally cuddling because we do that. A lot. The reason why my weekend was so fab was probably because of my fabbity-fab boyfriend, Kyleman.

The main point of that paragraph: it'll only be the second week of classes and already I'm dreading the workload. This semester is going to be very academic, what with my two art histories and english class: all three seem to be needing a lot of work and I'm sure I won't give them enough attention. I have a bad attention span when it comes to assigned readings.

I need to work on that.

On a last note, here's a secret from Postsecret which was one of my giggles for a day, even though the secret is a bit sad when you get past the giggling.

Blueberry pancakes are hard to turn down though.

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