Saturday, November 28, 2009


Essentially once I learn how to knit socks, I will be making these babies:

oooooh yeah!

Also, I finally satisfied my craving for fries and gravy twice in 24 hours while home; once this morning at Wimpy's with my momma, and last night at one of my favourite restaurants that is a Shwaville speciality, Teddy's. Old person haven, deli meat and strawberry pie delicious, and cheap. Lovely.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hellooooo new hollywood love

Because I've been watching The Office so much lately, and especially after watching this interview [which I'd embed, but it won't let me so you should just click the link and watch to your pleasure; Craig Ferguson is also pretty darn awesome], i am now in love with John Krasinski.

I love a man who can make me giggle ridiculously.

happiness in a sock.

It is tradition in my family [well, at least between my mum and I] to enjoy Christmas for as long as we can because we LOVE Christmas [both our birthdays being right before Christmas might help contribute to the happiness].

This means that I am already in the mood for snow and Christmas carols and I'm somewhat ashamed to admit - but not because this could make anyone tap their toes, I just happen to bop my head, tap my toes and full out mouth along - is my favourite Christmas song: Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is You.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

banana bread

I, unfortunately, gave the sweet, little old Scottish lady cashier a hard time this morning while trying to buy tea and banana bread since I couldn't truly comprehend what change she wanted me to give her because I was up monstrously late writing a paper that did not argue for neo- or post- conceptualism like I was supposed to.

I am a horrible person.

However, I DID finish my paper and now just need to edit and write an annotated bib for it [I hate annotated bibs.] and hopefully my prof. won't think that I'm too sarcastic near the end. Although I did hold make from all the ridiculously witty and unacademic comments throughout the rest of it. For example: 'Conceptual art is like the grenade in rock, paper, scissors - it beats all.'

ho hum.

p.s. Check out the Gold Book [more officially known as Check This Shit Out]
p.p.s. I really wish I was at home napping and/or knitting and/or watching Howl's Moving Castle.
p.p.p.s THIS REMINDS ME OF A STORY! Essentially remember how I said my brakes stopped working over the weekend? Yesterday I took my car into Crappy Tire to get them fixed enough so that I could take it home to get Mr. S. to look at the rest of it. And because of this I am now an arm and a half plus a leg shorter. HOWEVER, the good news is that is Mr. S. says that it will cost too much money to keep Mabel a-runnin', Valerita, my new pseudo-stepmum, told me I could have her old car [!!].......if I can learn how to drive standard. Which apparently my real mother thinks that I can't. Boo-urns to you partay-poopy-ay.


Sunday, November 22, 2009


pounding in my sternum,
releasing through my lungs.
Pushing, pulling through each rib that is
trying to uncurl and crack as
each sob climbs up my throat.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


In one of my few ditzy moments, I came to the painting studio only to realize that I forgot my source image at home. In the classic words of the new generation: FML.

Luckily for me, Sam was still at home and coming to campus this afternoon and is graciously bringing my sketchbook for me. Hallelujah, praise be to Sam. Because otherwise I would have been pissed, annoyed and downright downtrodden.

It would have been alright if my car was fine. But she's not. I think her brake fluid is leaking and so since, distinctively, yesterday evening, I've been having to push through quite a pad of air to actually get my car to slow down - which frankly, freaks me out every time. Not fun. So this morning I had to shift my mode of transportation last minute and has left me semi-carless until Friday at 1pm when I have a mechanic appointment. Except the mechanic I've been recommended to go to is on the far side of the G spot. Faaaaar away from where I live. Again: FML.

Please, Lord, don't let me die before I graduate. I don't want to die a college dropout.

Friday, November 20, 2009

the office

Today I finally accomplished my goal of buying red lipstick and I am quite thoroughly in love.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

moderation rhymes with foderation

While writing down the copious amounts of Christmas parties I have just been invited to, I realized my birthday this year falls on a Sunday.

What good is a birthday on a Sunday?

[Actually this is somewhat of a lie since in Oshawa there is an infamous pub called the Tartan Tavern that is just as infamous for its Tartan Sundays: very busy though, if you actually want a seat in back where the band is, you must ALWAYS be there by 9:30. ALWAYS.]

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Kyle asked me today what records I would love to have. I think I know what I'm getting for my birthday.

I am almost done my glossary entry paper [712/1000 words] except I can't seem to concentrate. I blame all the smarties I've been eating.

Also I've been having conversations in my head lately where people will object to something I am doing and my response is always, "I'll do what I want."

Monday, November 16, 2009

the great debate

One song and two great songstresses. Normally, I feel like Ella Fitzgerald would most probably beat out Nina Simone in my books, however tonight I just can't decide. The only thing I can decide upon is that this song kept constantly playing over and over in my head and perfectly describes how I feel.

So both of them are because I just can't decide.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Cough medicine: yuck.
Researching: yuck
Stevie Wonder: lovely.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Probably the greatest artist book EVER!

So one of my newest book purchases happens to be the artist book check this shit out!, compiled by sixteen up and coming Canadian contemporary artists, this is probably the most brilliant thing I have seen in a VERY long time.

Each work varies from the visually to the textually stimulating, pleasing and thought-provoking. There is something in there for everyone and every occasion, whether it is used as a coffee table book, a cheer-me-up book, or even - as it is advertised on Craig's List - perfect for a mouse pad and many other things.

And for any Beatles lover, there is Victoria Michalowsky's work Playlists near the end that is sure to tickle any die-hard, including myself.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

girl, shake that laffy taffy

One thing I really wish was that our bathtub actually had a working plug. It would come in handy when a bubble bath was in dire need of without worrying about leakage. Especially since I just scrubbed our tub clean on Friday.

In other news, I've joined the biannual print sale at school and I am proud to announce that if all my prints sell I will make roughly $270 minus 5%. As Kyleman put it, "you'll be fookin' rich!"

Why yes, yes I will.

yours for $50 CAD [and on better paper!] or $35 at the print sale.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

only if you're nice to me.

Usually when I'm planning a painting, I don't really go much into planning the execution of it. I pick a subject, I paint it, voila. Not this time, apparently.

I feel like there shall be so much planning and picking involved that to actually get to paint the final draft will be godly. Hopefully this coming weekend with more resources will be a blessing.

Kyleman was asking me earlier whether I find painting in general stressful - since I am getting somewhat stressed about this planning - and I said yes, but in a cathartic kind of stress. Painting and drawing have always been the most "rewarding" of mediums for me; I love to see each of them start with just a layer or two and work them up. I love it.