Monday, December 19, 2011

december baby

So tomorrow is my birthday. I am turning the big 2-3, which, to me, is a lot more exciting than 22. There seems to be nothing exciting about 22, it's the let-down of the early twenties. I mean, 19 you're legal to drink [haha American teensters], 20 you've left teenagehood, 21 you're legal in every country of the world and 22.....nadda. At least at 23 it's the milestone of being halfway to 25 which is halfway to 30 and therefore officially exiting "young adult" and just being an "adult". Exciting! [I already feel like I'm in my mid-twenties rather than still in the beginnings of them, which probably also contributes to my lack of excitement for 22; thank gosh it'll only last for one more day!]

Thus tonight a bunch of my favourite people and I are going out for dinner. And tomorrow night my absolute favourite person [Kyleman, duh] is taking me out again. I am spoiled with lurve.

Before being spoiled with lurve though, I've been spending my afternoon making some gingerbread deer.

I had fun experimenting with icing and facial expressions appropriate for deer. Including a Harry Potter deer.

[his scar got a little less lightning mark like due to the slight liquidy property of my fly by the seat of my pants icing]

Also also I've almost finished my Christmas knitting. The only thing left is some ribbing on Kyleman's sweater. Due to the fact that it's a pattern from the 70s and I wasn't thinking that I should block it before seaming, the length worried me a bit and so I made him try it on early. Which I'm glad I did as it'd really only be perfectly long enough if he wore higher pants. Unfortunately he is a modern man and wears low slung everything [don't worry I'm not talking about wigger-style; his boxers are always covered!] and therefore I was forced to add on a couple extra inches of ribbing along the bottom. Le sigh. Well better now than on Christmas day in front of all our family.