Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Prayer for My Darling.

Ooooh, dear baby Jesus,
Dear little 10 lbs., 8 ounce
baby Jesus.
Please let this mook be rained down upon by baby mooses.
And let him be sat on by the Great Cat Turbo in the face.
And let him be purred upon with such vengeance that his entire body shakes.
And let him forever more be flustered by sexual frustrations
so that he squeals.


When Kyle reread what I had written to him over the phone, I laughed so hard at myself that I literally couldn't breathe. I think I even shed a tear.

This is why I feel I must share it with the world.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

It is this very kind of thing that makes you lovable. I believe that I would even perhaps find it hard to look at you if these sorts of things didn't come out at very opportune moments.