Saturday, February 21, 2009

baby, don't hurt me/ don't hurt me/ no more

Last night my darling Kyle let me take him to the movies so we/I could see Coraline [and because I was using my free passes, he paid the extra $6 for the 3d glasses - which are currently hiding out in my purse] since the first time I saw the Coraline poster I think I almost hyperventilated in excitement.

Coraline the movie was taken from Coraline the book by Neil Gaiman, a book which I had to read in my Children's Literature class last year and was one of the only ones I really loved. It is probably the creepiest children's book I have ever read in my life. Ever.

But it's brilliant. And it was pretty brilliant as a movie too. When Kyle and I got home last night I picked up my hard copy of Coraline and skimmed through it trying to pick out the differences; I could only really pick out one or two big main differences and a few time line differences, otherwise they were pretty true to detail.

This was also my first time going to see a movie in 3D, so that was pretty exciting for me too. I always have a habit of flipping between the glasses and normal vision during 3D things it seems to make things interesting.

After the movie Kyleman agreed to go to A&W for root beer floats, my latest junk food craving, and treated me to one for buying him Vicks earlier in the week. Needless to say it was a smashing success...considering as Kyle went to put the mugs onto the tray when leaving, he dropped one and it EXPLODED. Pretty awesome; I'm now teasing him for at least 2 weeks and every time afterwards that I remember.

Now I have to go pace for Danilo, who is exactly 14 minutes late.

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