Monday, December 19, 2011

december baby

So tomorrow is my birthday. I am turning the big 2-3, which, to me, is a lot more exciting than 22. There seems to be nothing exciting about 22, it's the let-down of the early twenties. I mean, 19 you're legal to drink [haha American teensters], 20 you've left teenagehood, 21 you're legal in every country of the world and 22.....nadda. At least at 23 it's the milestone of being halfway to 25 which is halfway to 30 and therefore officially exiting "young adult" and just being an "adult". Exciting! [I already feel like I'm in my mid-twenties rather than still in the beginnings of them, which probably also contributes to my lack of excitement for 22; thank gosh it'll only last for one more day!]

Thus tonight a bunch of my favourite people and I are going out for dinner. And tomorrow night my absolute favourite person [Kyleman, duh] is taking me out again. I am spoiled with lurve.

Before being spoiled with lurve though, I've been spending my afternoon making some gingerbread deer.

I had fun experimenting with icing and facial expressions appropriate for deer. Including a Harry Potter deer.

[his scar got a little less lightning mark like due to the slight liquidy property of my fly by the seat of my pants icing]

Also also I've almost finished my Christmas knitting. The only thing left is some ribbing on Kyleman's sweater. Due to the fact that it's a pattern from the 70s and I wasn't thinking that I should block it before seaming, the length worried me a bit and so I made him try it on early. Which I'm glad I did as it'd really only be perfectly long enough if he wore higher pants. Unfortunately he is a modern man and wears low slung everything [don't worry I'm not talking about wigger-style; his boxers are always covered!] and therefore I was forced to add on a couple extra inches of ribbing along the bottom. Le sigh. Well better now than on Christmas day in front of all our family.

Monday, November 28, 2011


While going into the library yesterday to drop my mum off a coffee, I ended up coming out with six enormous books. Well, two of them are only semi-enormous. And while Kyleman looked about ready to keel over from the sight of wee me looking about ready to keel over myself under all these books, my mum barely batted a lash and stated, "she's been doing this since she was little".

It made me slightly proud inside.

Apparently even though I've never been a big biography person, most of the books chosen yesterday were in that category: Spencer Tracey, Gene Kelley, Agatha Christie, Stephen Fry and Katharine Hepburn. God, I love Katharine Hepburn. I started hers last night, unable to resist the calling and man she's fabulous.

If anyone still needs to get me a Christmas present, please please please buy me The Philadelphia Story or Guess Who's Coming to DinnerGuess Who's Coming to Dinner is just a triple hitter: Hepburn, Tracey AND Poitier!?!? Someone pass me my smelling salts!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I am beginning to realize that I actually might just be a bit of a bad blogger. Oops.

In other news, I am slightly very bored at work today. I've officially started my full contract position and almost officially over my cold if I could ever get this phlegm to leave my body.

I've learned that my favourite mugs at work are the collection we seem to have of ones with faces on them with noses that stick out and make wonderful finger rests and pseudo-handle grips. The one I am rocking today is the sick one that has a thermometer sticking out of it's mouth. I would have used it earlier this week and last week but I only discovered it today in the back of the cabinet.

I've also mastered stranding knitting in the last little while. Okay, maybe mastered is a little too strong a word. However, saying that I have gotten good enough at it to make people ooh and aah and not notice the little occasional puckers from still learning how to balance out floats across double-pointed needles is definitely true.

Yes, I made that. Unfortunately after reading multiple comments on ravelry about how the mittens are mostly too long for people in the fingers, and worrying about what I was going to do to make them fit my slightly un-naturally small hands, I ended up misreading/assuming I knew how the pattern went from the thumb up and forgot a repeat of the pattern which made the mittens a tad bit too small. Which is why I'm blocking them, which will hopefully stretch them enough to allow my fingers at least to be able to wiggle straightened rather than curved at a 45 degree angle.

Otherwise I am set for a good old Canadian winter. Well, at least my hands will be.

[note: mittens are made from the Tiffany pattern on Knitty.]

Saturday, October 8, 2011

One for the Canadians

I don't know how Americans last until November to have Thanksgiving. I am a serious turkey-er and by this time of the year I am yenning the works so hardcore that when my mother even suggests we go to Swiss Chalet for our Thanksgiving dinner [well, to give her -some- credit, she is still recovering from a hysterectomy AND they left for Italy tonight so...yes] I'm almost in tears for fear of one less turkey.

Maybe that just shows how pathetic I am. Anyways.

I love Thanksgiving, it probably comes in second to Christmas for me mostly because I love food and at Easter people seem to favour ham, which I do not.

And to go along with the whole food topic, Kyleman and I are in hot debates on air-popped vs. bagged popcorn and whether the different types of pasta [ie. spaghetti, linguine, bow-tie, penne, etc.] actually matter, especially when it comes to sauce. I personally think they do, Kyle does not. He never seems to get cravings for certain pastas, where as I'll get a penchant for bow-ties or penne vs. a longer noodle - this is especially put to practice when debating whether I want a tomato sauce, a meaty tomato sauce, an alfredo sauce, rose....the list goes on and on.

 It so totally matters.

And with that, said sauce needs a'stirring.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

on demand

I've worked all weekend doing this:

In case anyone is wondering about the slightly old school fabric covering my lap, well, it went very well with my old school costume of Victorian wear. Oh yes, rocking it 1850s style.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

wedding speeches.

It's here. The final week before the final bridesmaid wedding of the season.

And it's making me go, "AAAAAAH!"

 Especially right now as I'm trying to write a suitable wedding speech. Most of my thoughts revolve around individual sentences; even the story I am trying to throw in it [I was forbidden to tell any embarrassing stories about the bride, I can't think of any embarrassing stories about the groom that don't involve the bride and well, wedding speeches suck without one embarrassing story] seems to be an entity of its own.

In other non-brain-melting news, today's weather was refreshingly fall-like which let me whip out one of my favourite light sweaters and jeans and not feel like a knob wearing a sweater in the summertime. I like sweaters.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

thunderstorms and P&P

I've been a very naughty blogger. Obviously I am very bad at updating and although I could blame it on the fact that my life has seemed a frizzy little blur does not seem like a good enough excuse.

I have, however, fallen back in love with Pride and Prejudice [not that I ever fell out of love in the first place; more just a re-acquaintance with an old lover]. After picking the book up for a more literal emotional pick-me-up, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy have once again become my favourite love story. Especially now that I have watched [by force] The Notebook [note: I did not particularly like it. James Garner was the best part/person of the entire movie]. It is so wonderful and lovely and....lurvealicious.

But then again, Jane Austen does that to me. Some people critique her books because all of them end in marriage. But what is so wrong with marriage - the moral of the story is true love that happens to end in the standard of today. I'm sure if Elizabeth and Darcy lived today they really would be more of a Bridget Jones and Mark Darcy combination [which is, in case you haven't noticed, a parallel to Pride and Prejudice]. Alongside the fact of it being social standard for marriage, every "happily ever after" marriage Austen ends the story with is one of true loves: if you met your true love, wouldn't you want to be married to them if you couldn't live with them otherwise?

But that is just my opinion.
I think I shall reread Emma next.

Unfortunately for me, I seem to be gaining a cough. It started out as a once in the morning thing only now to be coughing every couple minutes as I lay in bed. Oh dear. As my mother is on medical leave from work, I as her nurse [hehe] should not be getting sick. Especially as I would still be the one expected to get up and get things.

On an ending note: I think someone should bring back the curtsy.  Just sayin'

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Garter toss

I've discovered garters are a very tricky thing to knit, especially when it's not to go on your own thigh but someone else who won't measure her thigh circumference.

I've also just realized that part of one of the elastics is coming off. EEK!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

chapel bells

I had the lovely experience of being lovely Lici's MoH on the weekend. It was stressful and [incredibly] wonderful all at the same time.


It also reaffirmed the fact that these ladies are not just my friends, but my family.

It also made me very afraid for the time when I get to plan my own wedding. Oh dear lord. When Kyle and I collapsed on his bed late Saturday night, all I could ask was, "can we just go to City Hall?"

Really the thing I am most excited for is my dress and veil. Mostly the veil. I'm pretty sure it is the veil that makes the bride real.

Also something I will definately look for in a venue is nice chairs without needing chair covers. No chair covers, sil vous plait.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

a true brunette

After being a redhead for a couple weeks [has it been a month already?] I'm missing my dark locks and am thinking there will be another dye-job coming my way soon ish. Most likely after Lici's upcoming wedding [this week will be ridiculously busy I feel] and before Jessica's September wedding when I will be donning my cherry red dress. Yes, making sure my red hair and red dress do not clash is a must. Jessica already hinted at me when we were buying the dress if it'd be too bridezilla of her to make me dye my hair back. Luckily for her I am a bridesmaidazilla and agree with her.

Also coming up is Kyleman's birthday, which falls on Lici's wedding but will be celebrated tomorrow. I have gone to extremes to wrap his present in such a way that he will probably end up crying in a corner before getting to the actual present. But that will teach him to guess the present correctly before the birthday!

I'm really not as heartless as the above sentence seems. I assure you if he looks like he's about to burst into tears I will go get some scissors to help. I'm also going to bake him some special cupcakes which really balances it out. I am torn between two recipes: one lemon meringue, and one cheesecake cupcakes. I haven't looked at the recipe cards in a while though so I think truly it'll all depend on which will be easiest. Kyleman will eat [and love] either.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

when in doubt

I've found that when in doubt especially in a doubt crisis, or crisis in general, my mind automatically looks up and plays Chiquitita by ABBA. Or more specifically in my mind, the Mamma Mia movie version.

It does wonders to the morale.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


These are all the books that have managed their way over to my bedside table. 
It's slightly ridiculous the way I lose motivation for some books...
But I kind of love it at the same time.
La de de da.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I finally got accepted into the awesome program I wanted to be in.
Except now I don't know what to do.
I had geared myself so hard into believing that I wouldn't get in....that I'm not prepared now for getting in.
I'm incredibly happy with where I am right now.
But then I could probably get so much farther with this program.
But I don't think I can manage the full-time program and both part time jobs at the same time. And I don't think I can switch down to part-time.
I'm really hoping I can defer.
I don't know what to do.
And I'm slightly freaking out.
I'm going to wait for the actual acceptance package [acceptance emails are never as exciting or informative - literally, I had to go on to even find out which program I had gotten in to] before I start freaking out [more] hardcore and address the options full-out with my bosses.
But for now I'm going to try and defer.

I think?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

the proper way to cook mushrooms

An interesting tidbit I truly appreciated this evening about mushrooms was the fact that when sautéing them in a copious amount of olive oil and butter is that during the first couple minutes they soak up all that glorious fatty goodness. And then after browning a wee bit, they release it all again. Amazing! I learned this while cooking Julia Child's beef stroganoff, or more formally, Sauté de Boeuf à la Parisienne [unlike this girl's though, I cut my beef into stew-style cubes]. It is delicious and wonderful with noodles or steamed green beans and whole baby potatoes.

There is something about cooking that is very relaxing even when hot oil is sputtering all over you. I love the look of a nicely arranged plate of delicious food.

In other news, I have acquired another bridesmaid dress. I am slowly becoming that chick from 27 Dresses. When I alerted Kyleman to this and politely [ok, maybe not so polite as highly suggested slightly more on the demanding side] told him to propose to me soon so I wouldn't sink into "always-a-bridesmaid-never-a-bride" syndrome. He told me no. Eh, I knew it was a long-shot anyways.

Anyways, I've just realized how late it was and since I've FINALLY been getting some decent sleep the last couples nights [last week was sleep hell. I think it might have actually been a combination of staying up late and getting up late and the extra heat from all the blankets on my bed: the trouble is, my room is super cold when I get into bed but by the morning I'm boiling. Constantly a lose-lose situation] I don't want to jinx it by losing all the good work I've done of depriving myself of sleep until I was forced to go to bed early to survive.

Ok, it might not have been as dramatic as that. But hey, I'm tired and in my brain that's how the history goes.

Obviously time for bed.

Friday, July 15, 2011

the end of an era.

This morning/early afternoon I saw the newest and last Harry Potter installment. I have to say I am SO glad I didn't end up going on my own [via my original plan] but instead with the lovely Jessica who is also a huge Harry Potter fan and helped me not feel like a complete loser when I started bawling my eyes out because so was she.

It was an absolutely amazing movie and highly appropriate for the last installment. I would not, however, let my children [or truly in my case, my nieces nephews or small siblings] see this movie because it is mostly filled with blood and war.

BUT BRILLIANT! [I can't stress that enough]

Anyways, if I were to die now I'd be pretty damn content with the end of my life. And I'm also brilliantly happy I'm going to be seeing it again on Sunday. Hopefully Kyleman will understand as much as Jess when I burst into uncontrollable sobs [once again].

Monday, July 11, 2011

groovy love

Lately I've been having a wee bit of insomnia. This insomnia apparently really bothered Kyleman last night as while he was contently ready to sleep, I fidgeted my way across the bed and back again until at least 2 in the morning when he just spooned me so hard I couldn't move. I'm serious.

[On a side note, I'm watching an episode of Friends and they are using the coolest chopsticks/knife and fork combo utensils EVER. They're like sporks but chopsticks on one end and a fork or knife on the other. Awesome? yes.]

Anyways. Other than the mad fidgeting spree I went on, I....need to fix this whole not-wanting-to-sleep-at-a-reasonable-time thing. I blame my afternoon shifts and the ability to sleep in until 10am. Mm yeah. That's what I'm blaming it on.

Also, in tribute to the final Harry Potter movie [mmm, can you tell I'm slightly obsessed?] I knit a pair of socks  from a pattern entitled Hermione's Everyday Socks and let me tell you they are awesome.

I love Harry Potter. And I officially love this Petunia Clark song after hearing it while cuddling with the Kyleman during a rare morning of privacy and laziness that reminded me of all the weekends we spent in the G-spot [dirty joke not intended]. It just cements in my head a hazy, sunshine-filled memory. Those are the loveliest.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Knitting is very therapeutic.....even when I can't figure out the pattern that well. Well, I'm sorry author of Interlocking Leaves but I've changed your pattern slightly because aspects of yours just doesn't make sense to me even if I can't find evidence of anyone else finding the same problems. So there.

Also, after finding out a certain musician that I've taken a recent liking to is coming to Toronto 3 days before Lici's wedding, quite cheaply I might add, I'm seriously debating how bad a M.o.H. I'd be if I skipped off for a night when Lici's stress levels are probably going to be phenomenal. Hmm.....don't think I'll chance it. Imelda May you better come back soon!

In other news, today is going to be a very hard day for motivation since it's calling for thundershowers. A couple of my to do's today involve going outside and I'm very tempted to leave it until tomorrow so I don't get accidentally down-poured on while carrying bags of groceries [or down-poured on in general]. I think this is a good idea. A goot idea indeedly [coward].

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

cutie patooties

I've just been looking at baby pictures and I don't want to say who in case one day in the future in his/her attempts to learn more about me they find this entry after digging through cyber archive after cyber archive and go all, "YOU SAID WHAT ABOUT ME ON THE INTERNET!?!?"

And because that wouldn't be nice.

But, the point of the matter is that this person has really ugly baby pictures. He/she looks like a little old man which is not a good thing once you've gotten out of the newborn phase/when you're a baby and are automatically supposed to be cute. And so this brings up a very serious issue in my mind, especially because this person is related to me:

I really hope I don't have ugly babies.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Just a Saturday Night

This weekend has been the first weekend I've had off in a very long time. So I've been spending my Saturday playing computer games [The Sims 3, anyone?], trying to finish a wedding present [55.5/60 inches done! Foof.] and watching corny shows and girly chick flicks on tv [these movies are having Renee Zellweger are the leading trend] with my mum. 

Also, because the only Molly Ringwald film I've ever really been a fan of is The Breakfast Club, when Pretty in Pink came onto tv today, I came to the startling realization that John Cryer is Duckie. When mentioning this to my cousin I got a, "I love you but DUH." 

Apparently I am a Brat Pack loser. Although what can I say, I am of the Spice Girl generation.

Dear John Cryer, you are surprisingly cute in your youth - I'm very sad you've started looking like a fish.

Anyways. Tomorrow will be an extension of today, until I'm forced to deal with my chemistry project - which I unfortunately do not get to build an erupting volcano for but explain about nuclear energy or...something. Luckily Kyleman is prostar at this and is willing to help guide me through it [nonclamenture I can handle; talking about...hell, I don't even know what I'm supposed to be talking about, forgedda'bout it] so here's to hoping.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Oh my man

I wish I had something great, grand and exciting to say. Except I really don't other than Barbra Streisand and Glee soundtracks [ironically I rarely watch Glee I just really like youtubing the songs] make me pretty darn happy. And I've realized that I Dreamed a Dream [Glee version with Idina Menzel!] can make me cry...ish.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride

I finished rereading all of the Harry Potter books semi-late last night [definately bawled my eyes out at one part]. I think this time they hit me a lot more than when I read them the first time. To me, the Harry Potter books mark a significant  place during my childhood and early teenage-hood but they are definately some of those books that get better each time you read them because each time you do, you pick up more and more. True story.

Also I calculated from a date mentioned in the last book, that if Harry were a real person this year he would be turning 31. Again true story.

Today I had the joy and luck to be present while one of my best friends found her dream wedding dress, and my other friend announced they had picked a date and asked me to be a bridesmaid. While I am so very excited for them [believe me, I almost cried at the beauty of Jessica in her dress], I ended up just coming to a shocking realization:

No matter how many times I tell myself that Kyleman and I are getting married eventually, that we have a date all picked out and that we are essentially engaged, he just won't admit it...we are not engaged. We are not officially getting married. As of right now September 13, 2014 is just another date that has a lovely ring to it [and a diamond if a sister could get herself any].

Just when I was making such great progress into situated adulthood. Damn it.

Monday, June 6, 2011

"and in that moment we were infinite"

I think I am quite possibly coming to terms with my life. My life and I are finally content with each other. I had almost forgotten what a wonderful feeling that feeling at peace was.

It kinda feels like this:

Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday, Monday, Monday

Today is a beginning of the week I finally enjoy. Mostly because I have the day off that is going to result in many little errands. It is also the signal of my last week at the Village [I must also plan a huge shopping trip there before my last day so as to get in my fill of my discount].

Yes! I actually put in my notice after finalizing some details at my alma mater museum about taking on some summer hours there and then replacing someone while they are replacing someone else who's going on mama leave [yay Jill!]. So for the next 14 ish months I will be enjoying the life of a "full time" museum person [because, you know, part time + part time = full time!].

I am vair excited.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Springtime Showers

Usually at this time of year, the rain makes me very happy; being able to watch the rain from inside a lovely warm spot, and knowing that after the rain comes all sorts of lovely flowers makes me happy and all wishy washy. Unfortunately I've become wishy washy this season in the wrong sort of wishy washy.

Coming up will be a full year since graduating and I can barely say I accomplished anything this year. As strenuous and hard-working as it is, nobody really wants to say that they hold down 2 or 3 jobs depending on the season. I'm only glad to say I have 2 jobs to balance out the fact that I have a job that involves what I went to school for and doesn't involve Value Village. But it's so sad.

I'm sure most graduated undergrads can agree with me that most of you work jobs that have nothing to do with what they went to school for - or if you do, it's a little contract position, or part-time position that will never get you going with real-life outside of your parent's house. I pretty much live that life.

Lately I've been offered a wonderful opportunity to do something that I had been hoping I'd get the chance to do but didn't think I'd even be considered a candidate. Now I have, and now that I've got it I have to make a couple big decisions. Especially because it's very hard to go to a job day in and day out and work 6-7 hour shifts while resisting the urge to constantly yell "I QUIT!" in someone's face.

And while my mother seems to secretly hope I'll be able to balance 3 jobs over the summer to bring in extra money, I don't think my brain or body could handle it. Considering I am already on the verge of mental combustion and already on physical derailment, I just don't care about the money anymore. It actually makes it really hard for me to care SO much about earning SO much money right now because most of my life goals slightly depend on someone who has yet to graduate school himself. So I've got a couple more years.

It's just...I don't want to break myself because of a place like where I am right now. It's not worth the minimum wage.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

That Time of the Month

I don't know why people get freaked out about women talking about their periods, or actually SAYING the reason why they are cranky, or not feeling well, or wanting to punch someone's face in is because of that. I mean, it's not like anyone's telling you how much they're bleeding or what consistency it is.

The point is: menstruation is a natural thing, and when a girl in her early twenties tells you to leave her alone because she's mad PMS'ing, you should not be shocked and/or appalled, but instead glad she had the sympathy to tell you and then probably back away slowly and run to go get her cookies.

True story.
Now run.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mission HP

If anyone recalls, last summer during my immensely boring unemployment, I went through a self-proposed challenge of reading every Jane Austen novel successively, which I did successfully [see the word pun there? Har har har!] within a fairly reasonable amount of time. That is why in preparation of the newest and last installment of Harry Potter movies, I have started rereading the books.

Currently I am about half way through the fourth book and I can tell you I am definately not regretting this challenge as much as I did when I was halfway through Mansfield Park [to clarify, I only regret having to reread Mansfield Park - it's a terribly tedious book and all of the characters really annoy me. Although I can appreciate Austen's attempt].

I think the Harry Potter [does Harry Potter really need to be italicized? Who knows] books and movies are perfect examples where they show how much movies actually cut out details and sub-plots from the original books. As I write this, I am simultaneously watching The Philosopher's Stone and I'm amazed at how many big and little things they've changed to make the movie "better" [it's not actually better, p.s.]. I mean, they've changed a good quarter of the book, which is possibly the smallest book of the series which makes it quite sad that all the brilliant details and sub-plots of the bigger books will go to waste on a cutting room floor somewhere.

I actually cheated a little bit last week when I was really excited to finally gotten all the Harry Potter movies [for some reason, I only owned 1 and 3. Thank yoooou HMV for having the rest on 2 for 20! {And Deathly Hallows part 1 is currently en route from Amazon!}] and was in great need to watch one. So instead of starting with the obvious first one [having already finished the first book] I decided to watch Goblet of Fire, which I am reading right now.

That might have been a bad decision. Starting reading it, I dreaded reading it as I had already been reminded of the major happenings, thanks to the movie. However, now I am more focused and interested in all the little details, characters and sub-plots the movie people have deemed unworthy. Is sad, no? And this is why books will always, always win.

Although I do thoroughly enjoy the movies. Except the fact that Daniel Radcliffe has blue eyes instead of green. The fact that they did not attempt to force his 11 year old self to wear coloured contacts or do ANYTHING seems like blasphemy. BLASPHEMY.


HP rules, Twilight drools.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

God Save the Queen and Her Wedding Dress

So the good thing about being in a [slightly/pre-/whatever] monarchist country is that it's perfectly normal and acceptable to wake up super early in the morning/night to watch the Royal Wedding. Which is what happened to me this morning when my mother came into my room at 6am, proceeded to wake me up to tell me where my tv remote was and then got into my bed to watch the ceremony begin.

Well, at least my weary self can be glad she didn't insist on watching it from the 3am beginning.

Anyways, Kate's dress made me slightly swoon. I mean, I'm not really one for long trains - they're fine for other people and do look gorgeous, but I'm more of a tea-length, classic cocktail length dress type of gal - but the top of her dress was FABULOUS. All I could think of was Grace Kelley mixed with Audrey Hepburn. And because of this, Kate Middleton has been deemed worthy in my eyes.

Eff, I love wedding dresses.

pretty much my dream dress: the wedding dress in Funny Face starring Audrey, and Fred Astaire.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

mein herr

Sometimes I get a wee bit excited about things. And sometimes those things probably worry Kyleman a wee bit. Such things sometimes being finding super cute hand-printed wedding invites on Etsy, or planning a wedding in my head, or buying a wedding dress from Value Village.

Yeah, deep down I'm your typical girl.

I wedding things. Is that really so bad?

Sometimes I worry that the way I crave marriage and kids already is me jumping ahead in life because I am now out of school and trying to situate myself in life. I mean, I'm kinda failing at a steady career right now, and so I turn instead to something more stable: mine and Kyleman's relationship and therefore wanting us to take the next step. Which I know is somewhat frustrating for him since he's still in school [and keeps pushing back his graduation date to do internship after internship. Not that I'm complaining. Much]. It makes me hope that if I do in fact get back into school in fall it might calm my nerves and bridal longing a bit.

I don't think the fact that I'm being treated to a bridal show next week courtesy of one of my engaged friends will really help this. But really, what girl can turn down pretty dresses? If you are a girl and say you can then you, ma'm, are a liar.

Friday, April 22, 2011


I'm horrible at blogging, I know. But here is a list called Some Things on Good Friday That Are Not Good

1. I have droopy stockings that seem to like to puddle around my knees.

2. I had to wear stockings because it is a) cold outside even though it's almost May and b) I have mottled sunburnt shins from Panama [oh, Panama, I miss you!] last week and therefore have very hairy shins because shaving causes my burns to burn.

3. I got tricked into working on a holiday. Well, maybe not tricked, but got scheduled for a holiday without realizing it was a holiday or being asked if I would like to work on a holiday. Because now I am working alone, on a holiday while the rest of my family is at home lounging and enjoying the goodness of Good Friday.

4. I have to listen to Nordic music and a narration of a Viking documentary for 6 hours.

5. I forgot to make some tea this morning.

6. No one put a marker where I should start on the bookshelf so I can't even try to show off [to myself, mind you but still] my newly found cataloguing skills.

7. I'm bored stiff.

8. It seems to be a consistent thing V.V. decides to basically book me for every single day that I haven't asked off for the Museum. This includes booking me for Easter Monday.

9. WHY does no one want me to enjoy Easter?? I don't think I've had a proper Easter off since high school [aka 5 years ago].

10. In attempts to get some outside stimulation, I had tried texting Kyleman but all he wanted to talk about was who I was voting for in the upcoming election. Stimulation = failed.

One good thing about today though is that I get turkey for dinner. Which is lovely because I love turkey and love that my mum's side of the family isn't into ham as much as I am not into ham [I am not a particular fan of ham].

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I've been given the distinct honour of being one of my oldest and dearest friend's maid of honour. And while I am super excited and giddy over the fact, I am also scared a little stiff.

Everyone [or at least every woman] has heard the stories of the things the M.o.H is in charge of. Everyone knows that she's the one the bride goes to for help, and most importantly, she's the one who arranges the bachelorette party. I'm petrified of arranging a bachelorette party.

I am not a partier by nature [I think I've mentioned this before]; I'd rather spend my nights getting good nights sleeps without throwing up. And so the thought of organizing a themed drinking party terrifies me. Maybe if I just hire a stripper that would make them forget about the drinking. I need to talk to Lici about this.

Otherwise I am totally thrilled. Although I'm sure that since I'm going to be surrounded by wedding by the time it happened [4 months!] Kyleman is going to be having a whiny earful of "I wanna get maaaaaaaaaaarrieeeeeeeed!"

Poor bloke.

Monday, February 28, 2011

she bangs

I finally got around to getting a haircut [goodbyeeeeee $40] and am now the proud owner of bangs. Oh, how adorable I look! [I'm vain, I know]

And in other exciting news, I may be featured/interviewed/probably will only be a mention in my old campus newspaper in an article about knitting [I always get excited to talk about knitting]! I have a telephone interview scheduled for tomorrow [ooh la la] and I'm hoping if my name is mentioned, all my old chums who stuck around for one more year will read it and wonder how I managed to get back in the Ontarion after graduating. I think that prospect is almost more delightful than being interviewed itself.

Woot! Now I'm off to a Jackie Chan night with Kyleman. Just when life was getting me down, it starts looking up again.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I am once again slightly bored out of my mind while on the job. Although pretty soon I will be going to get some leather and tools and tooling said leather. How that'll work on the front desk, I'll have to see. Wait, maybe I should go back to that whole "tooling leather" thing.

One of the joys of being a) artistically gifted [a-thank you] and b) working in a museum whose main exhibit right now is Vikings is that when the co-worker who does Viking re-enactments asks you if you want to learn how to tool leather, you say yes [obviously; this also happened when he asked if I wanted to learn how to spin wool]! Essentially tooling leather is the method in which you take a piece of leather, wet'er down and then make impressions in it to create a design. Because the leather is wet, when it dries it'll hold the impression and you can get something like this:

Obviously, I am not that great. But I am working on it.

Anyways, the one I was working on Friday night while attempting to reel people in at an outreach programme at the mall [it, surprisingly, didn't work] was trying to channel Viking themes, i.e. a ship with these two weird animals biting each other's tails. The only problem was I had no pencil so I had to use pen which now shows more than the impressions, and lemonade instead of water so it looks very rustic and stained with age.

I think I might have to try again. Especially since it's snowing and so the likelihood that anyone is going to come in today is mighty slim. Ho hum.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

hung up

One of my biggest problems lately are my after-work shopping sprees at V.V. . I mean, when you can get already cheap clothing [usually of a very good brand name] for half price, the little voice in your head that usually tells you you have enough shirts/sweaters/little black dresses, starts telling you "GO FOR THE PRETTY ONE!" Which usually ends up with me with a new load of laundry to do [you know, because of the new used clothes. Always wash before wear, people!].

This is what happened yesterday. Except I think karma [and my budget] tried getting a little back at me but messing with the one cute H&M black dress I got [H&M = loooove]. The general consensus of the new clothing was machine wash cold [the dress was warm so that should be ok] so la de da I toss it all in, leave a kind note for the mama to please switch over the load [dress to hang, sweater lay flat, etc. etc.] while I went to the second job. WELL when I got BACK, the dress was almost unrecognizable. From the feeling of the cloth to the bit of shrinkage....I was freaking out.

Mothers always save the day though. Told me to try stretching it a bit and hang it up properly and it should be ok. And it was! --- until I put it on today and the hanger ends made hanger end dents in the shoulders.

Obviously this dress and I have some issues to deal with together. Luckily everything else and I are doing fine and dandy. I'm now in looove with a Gap orange and white striped shirt and a deep green Banana Republic knit that makes me feel like beatnik and makes up for my lack of motivation to knit this.

You know, I never used to be a brand bitch until I could get them for under $10.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I love the colour orange.

This week will be hectic working either one job or the other or the other everyday until Sunday [or more depending on my schedule for next week which I don't get until Wednesday {sigh}].

I've decided I really love crew neck sweaters and shirts. However, sadly for me most of the time they do not like me back; which is why I've decided to force them on Kyleman. I mean, if I can't wear them my other half might as well.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday mornings.

I don't want to go to work today. If I had my way I'd be sitting home all day with my multiple knitting projects that keep crying to be worked on. Is sad.

But instead I will be at a museum, doing inventory in between people coming in. Oh the joy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I love my stepsister

Or more specifically, I love her student id. It definately comes in handy when I need to take the bus and she is staying at home all afternoon.

This afternoon, in a feat of miraculousness, I managed to take 2 buses across town, get my car fully registered and back on the road plus walk BACK up to the downtown core [note to self: it is much faster to walk from the MTO to the Simcoe route than it is to wait for the King bus to come along], grab a delicious pumpkin steamer from Beanz and grabbed the next bus home - which soon got filled up with teenagers. In my old age I had forgotten I had picked a very bad time to take the Simcoe bus - it goes right by O'Neill and usually there is a hoard of teenagers waiting to push and shove their way on. I should know, I used to be one of them.

Anyways in about an hour I got ok'ed to get back on the road [vroom vroom!], a wee bit of a suntan, some exercise, belly-warming deliciousness and the realization of how glad I am not to be a teenager anymore.


Monday, February 14, 2011

St. Valentine's

Even though today is supposed to be a very loving day, I have not found much love. In fact, the only people showing any enthusiasm for this day are my mother and I [we love holidays of all natures]. But me mostly by wearing red accessories [who doesn't love red accessories??]. Aaaah red is a glorious neutral colour. Don't believe me? You should.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I learned a valuable lesson today: never throw out 7/8 of your bar clothes just because you barely ever go out to bars anymore. One night you are going to have to go out and you will have nothing in particular to skank it up in. Yeah, I said skank it up. Where I'm from, that's how you have to do it if you go to a bar. Actually I think it's like that in almost every city in North America where 19 [if you're in Canada] to 24 year olds go out to drink. True story.

I have managed, fortunately, to stay on the classy retro side unlike what I was threatening Kyleman with earlier this week [quote I'm going skank it up so much on Saturday night you're going to be embarassed to be seen with me unquote].

There is just something about heading out in too short dresses/too low cut tops that I just can't do without feeling very awkward and sober. I usually end up sober [except on very special occasions]; alcohol and I have a very love-hate-I'm-going-to-cause-you-slight-allergies relationship. It's sad. I'm just glad I got all my drinking hoop-la out in the first couple weeks of turning 19 [go Canada!] and am now content with just 1 or 2 drinks and feeling just dandy.

Now if you excuse me, I'm off to persuade Kyleman that all this [imagine a giant arm gesture here towards my  ensemble] deserves to be taken out for food and shown off before we're surrounded by drunk people who won't appreciate good fashion sense.

Tra la.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

until the stars turn cold

Apparently East Side Mario's with two of my favourite gals just isn't in the stars for me. It's very, very sad.

Also I forgot how great V for Vendetta is. I wish I had Natalie Portman's hair in it. Not when she shaves it, mind you, but in the first scene - all crazy, curly and wild.

Mine's just...crazy. Le sigh,.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

"I'll knit you to death"

I definately just took a knitting needle down to the museum basement for protection when I came back out of the bathroom. You just never know who's going to sneak in while you're preoccupied.

Alone in a Boat in Botswana

I am really not in a boat. Or Botswana for that matter. I am, however, grasping along my first shift of being in charge while listening to Nordic music and narration for a movie that I cannot actually watch since I am supposed to [wo]man the front desk. I think. I haven't actually gotten much training on what more to do other than man the front desk and how to get in and out of the buildings without setting off alarms.

Luckily since my mother drove me this morning, she decided to come have a peek at the new exhibit and talked me down from a couple high stress moments where in all likelihood I'd just end up destroying precious documents or sending them into some abyss no mankind has ever seen before. She is now watching said movie that I cannot watch [although I'm sure I actually could. No one has shown up yet and it's been 40 minutes since opening. Oh god, only 40 minutes!?]


So that I don't bungle anything up, I'm going to review notes, work on Kyleman's Valentine's gift and read a little Agatha Christie, that sly old lady.

Also, in case anyone's noticed I've changed my blog's name from [and domain name? webpage linky thing?] because I felt a) I really don't talk about Monty Python at all, b) the name was too long and in my head I kept shortening it from It's Just a Flesh Wound: Confessions of a Former Monty Python Addict to It's Just a Flesh Wound, which I'm sure would confuse a whole bunch of people about whether I'm recording about some wound I have or not/how suicidal I was [I'm not] and c) flesh wounds usually scare people, not invite them into their folds.


"Nothing comes of nothing. Speak again"

Lately I've felt like I've got nothing to say. People keep asking me what's new or what I've been doing and every time all I can think of in response is "same old, same old." And it's true. I work, I knit [how old ladyish of me. But I tell you, when all the fabric factories in the world explode and we have to make our own clothing again, I am going to be soooo a head of the rest of my generation], I hang out, I sleep. How blah.

I feel perpetually stuck between student and adult. On one end, I've reapplied for school in the fall but I miss my alpha mater days and on the other end I want to get on with my life: career, marriage, you name it [Kyleman isn't as anxious for this part. Looking forward to it, yes, excited to get there....let's just say we have our own mental timelines we keep trying to convince the other to stick to]. A constant battle for my identity. It probably doesn't help that I work 3 part-time/casual part-time/once a week jobs that don't give me any stability/hope/big person's wage to rely on.

Is it this hard for every graduate? I mean, we can't all be Benjamin Braddocks [I'm still trying to figure out the emotions in the last scene!], tumbling back home wondering where to turn next - I think most of us can skip the scandalous affair part, although to each their own - and completely undecided about life. Most of us don't even have the choice anymore of going into the family business. I wish though - if my mother had a family business I'd be set up in a children's book store, a la Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail. I'd be so down.

My grandfather made a good point during one of our conversations about my life: nowadays you have to go get a degree in something somewhat specific: art, science, math, english, history, etc. but to actually get into the profession you want, you normally have to go the extra mile and get that masters before you get in. I.e. librarian school, or Masters of Library and Information Technology [MLIS]. To be a librarian you must get this MLIS before you're even looked at for anything other than a clerk's position -and even now they're getting picky and just want people with Library Technician degrees - but if the goal is to be a librarian, why does it have to be a masters? To be honest, my degree in Studio Art isn't particularly going to help me with being a librarian. Yes, it's nice to have but it's not going to really help me any when it comes to applying to graduate programs [I'm serious, it doesn't. 2/3 programs I applied to refused to acknowledge my courses in Studio Art as real "academic" programs].

What is the point of spending thousands of dollars and four years of your time studying something that may not even count towards the main goal for your career? If you can go to college to learn a trade straight off the bat, why can't you be able to do the same for more "academic" focuses?

I wish I had some smart-alecky, philosophical Socrates quote to end off this entry, however my Republic book has a coat of dust on it and all I can pull out from my memory is that Socrates probably wouldn't approve of our education system. But let me get back to you on that.

[Also, I've just noticed that I started off this entry complaining about how I had nothing to say, and then proceeded to make quite a long entry. I guess Lear was right and all I did have to do was "Speak again".]

Friday, February 4, 2011

pretty girls make graves

Or they get pretty pedicures. Like my sister and I did today. And for the first time I splurged [I really need to stop splurging] and got designs on the toe.

Ooooooh, I feel so pretty!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

white is the new blonde

Today I found my first white hair. Attached to my head. I know this because it hurt when I pulled it out, gawking all the while. Although I guess white is better than grey; with grey you just look old, with white you can just call it platinum blonde, a la Marilyn.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

blizzard weather

I'm never lucky enough to have snow days.

The broadcast for today was a blizzard, except for us the blizzard was over before most of the population woke up, and only left a good foot of snow. My mother is lucky enough to have her work be closed and I feel like I will not be so lucky. Darn.

A good thing that happened the last time I was at work though I found a gorgeous tea pot [I wish I had a picture now] and one of the fabulous things about it is it says "German Democratic Republic" on the bottom.

And thus I leave you with my crazy dog who after barking at me for minutes outside my door, gave up and laid down. Why she doesn't just come into my room I have no clue. Weirdo.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

flannel shirts move over!

I've always had a fondness for flannel, but I truly forgot about how much I love it unless I crawled into bed last night with new, newly washed flannel sheets and was WARM. Seriously I have been going to bed cold the last little while, even with cotton sheets covered by two comforters, two knitted blankets and a fleecy blanket on top.

And so yesterday when I finally got around to washing my new Christmas flannel sheets [luckily for me, my mother did not indulge in buying me full-out Christmas themed sheets; the only thing Christmas-y on them are some red snowflakes surrounded by that lovely Bohemian Russian/Bavarian ethnic theme [the closest example I can think of is right here]. I am now seriously back in love with flannel. It was so hard [well, harder than normal] this morning to get out of bed. Soooooo cozy.

My next experiment with comfort will be to don all flannel clothing and then hop into bed. Although I have a feeling that rather than end in superb comfort, it will just end in non-stop static shockings. And you know what, they really, really hurt.

Also while finding the flannel example on IKEA's website, I came across this lovely, lovely bed set, which I know Kyleman would never let me put on our bed but I can only hope:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am unimpressed with my parents right now.

I am also unimpressed with the measurements I got when measuring my foot compared to Kyleman's. There is only 1 inch difference but our feet are ridiculously different in size. This makes me slightly worried about making him socks.

I am also also unimpressed with my instruction reading skills after misreading instructions and realizing the mistake weeks afterwards and having to redo all the work I'd done.

I am also also also unimpressed with my concentration skills.

I am impressed wiiiiiiiiith......chocolate. But then again, who isn't? [Scratch that: lactose-intolerant people for one. We'll ignore them this time.]

Monday, January 24, 2011

Yeti Dog

I used to nap a lot more. Especially while I was at school; there was a phase once where every day seemed to consist of a nap. Now I barely nap at all and I kind of miss it.

What's worse: wasting time asleep or wasting time watching t.v./surfing the net?

It doesn't help that it's about -20 excluding wind chill out which only makes me want to curl up in a blanket. My dog seemed to have other opinions though when I finished taking out the recycling. She's apparently a Yeti, who doesn't mind have snow piled on top of her head, so long as I let her chew my mitten.

What a weirdo.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

movies vs. tv shows

I've come to the grand conclusion that when you need something to watch later at night, a movie will trump the option of watching a tv show, even if the tv show happens to be your most favouritest [yes, I realized favouritest is not a word] show. Here is my logic:

A movie is long enough already that when it ends, you know it's silly to watch more than once and just one more time won't hurt. A good movie that you've already seen multiple times is excellent because if you turn it off halfway through due to exhaustion, you aren't disappointed/anxious/angry because you're missing what happens next. You already know!

A tv show, especially a favourite one can  make you think you're safe and just one more episode won't hurt because it's only 20 minutes long [give or take]. Not to mention tv shows usually leave off at critical/exciting/sentimental time where you NEED to know what happens next. And then you realize it's 1 am and you work at 8 am. The only exclusion to this rule I can think of is I, Claudius because it's an hour and a bit per episode; but even then I find myself reasoning that only one more or even just half an episode would be ok. No, Tor, no it is not ok at all.

Therefore, tonight, The Princess and the Frog trumps How I Met Your Mother. Especially since although I love the animation in it, I love the soundtrack more and enjoy it for background music while knitting.

True story.

there are two kinds of crazy-pants.

In this world, there are two kinds of crazy-pants: the good kind where the person is generally good-natured, slightly eccentric and quirky in a lovable way and the bad kind where the person is pretty much insane.

I, unfortunately, can say I have both types in my family; but then again, I'm sure most people can [mine are crazier though].

On a less crazy and more awesome note though, I conquered cables in knitting and made these:

Awesome, right? 2/5 people I've shown have called them "emo gloves" [you can't tell in this picture, but they ARE missing the finger tips] but really what emo would wear pumpkin orange knitted gloves? As I told one of the mockers, "they are with cables in them, not with fishnets." So hah. Needless to say I am utterly in love with them and the yarn that made them.

So tra la la.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

baby, you're a rich man.

I feel like after becoming a somewhat better blogger in the last little while, in the last couple days I've been slipping again. I mean, there were many moments I acknowledged that I should write a lil'somethin' somethin' but then my short attention span kicks in, or someone walks into the room [another trigger for my short attention span] or I just plain went to bed because I was exhausted and was thus too exhausted to get back up and start again.

But to be honest my weekend was pretty hectic.

Between Mistress Mabel failing her safety test [she's an old girl, you know] and spending copious amounts of time running from one job to another [it doesn't help that since Mabel is out of commission I have to rely on rides to and from the Museum....which is in a different city.....a good 25 minutes away, or 45 during blizzards] and dealing with purse snatchers at the Village [I kid you not. Please don't ask me how my shift Monday went] I have been a very busy girl.

I did, however, get these stoic people done plus their background [woo!].

Pretty sure they are the largest people I've ever painted. Or maybe just the tallest now that I'm remembering about this chick

I looooooooove painting!

........, that right there was just a small example of my lack of concentration skills. My mother always told me when I was a baby/toddler I always had to be doing 3 things at once; I guess it just continued into my adulthood.

All I can say now is thank goodness it's pay week! And now I go to debate over embroidery patterns, knit, possibly play some Sims, email the Museum, make some lunch and watch t.v.

Ta loves!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Viking Horn Dance

Today is Viking template day. After a visit to the dollar store, I've come home with a lifetime supply of bristol board [ok, I might be exaggerating. Only 8 sheets] so my lovely Vikings can start to come to life. Hoo-rah.

This gives me full right to watch How to Train Your Dragon. After this episode of I, Claudius. [I love I, Claudius. Especially since I figured out the woman who plays Livilla also played Columbia in Rocky Horror. {ALSO, if you haven't seen them before, young Patrick Stewart also plays Sejanus and Uncle Geoffrey from Bridget Jones is Herod Agrippa!!}] I love it when I make connections like that!]

Also I've fallen in love with Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick and Quick [ooh, that sounds dirty]. It's so cushy and warm that I can't decide what exactly to make of it. I'm torn between leg-warmers or a shrug and keep casting on and ripping out because I truly can't decide. Ah, the life of a knitter.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Ok, so now it's actually 1/12/11....but I'm ignoring the fact it's after midnight right now. Like I seem to do every night.

At work today I beat my record of selling our coupon calendars. A grand old 8 sold today compared to my old record of 7.

[I'm a really lame salesperson and calendars are boring to talk about].

In exciting news, I'm going to be painting some close to 8 foot high Vikings soon for job number 2 so while I'm attacking and experimenting with acrylic paint, I can pretend I'm pillaging a village instead.

[Actually I'm pretty sure I'd also make a lame Viking too. My dad likes to tell me we have a Cossack ancestor but I highly doubt those genes were passed down to me. Same with the salesperson genes.]

The main point is this: the last few days I've been going over in my head the best way to paint with acrylic on a see-through surface, where essentially what I'm painting has to be seen more clearly from the side I can't see rather than the one I can. Which gives me multiple possibilities:

[Skip this part if you aren't an art nerd]

1. Paint two layers, a pretty one for the outside and a duplicate on the inside so it will be a double-sided Viking

2. Paint in tiny sections so I can get the layered effect I want without rick of the acrylics drying too quickly and me ending up with blocks of colours on the outside with no real detail.

3. An artist's worst nightmare [ok, this one is probably a bit of a stretch. I'm sure my previous painting instructor would scold me for linking acrylic paint to a nightmare].

Anyways, I'm excited and therefore so should you. If only I could get to bed at a decent hour.

Please don't judge my entire artistic being on this one sketch.
Much Appreciated.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

the knitting song

Because I'm feeling sad, I'm making a happy list about today to help me feel better before I try to sleep and end up with sad dreams.

1. I turned the heel of my lovely Mini Mochi ankle sock [I really need to order some more of this yarn]
2. I had a delicious breakfast, plus a delicious lunch where I discovered a new sandwich combo 
[crusty bread with prosciutto and herb Havarti cheese with cantaloupe on the side]
3. I remembered all the wonderful reasons why I love Kyleman
4.  I got tickets to see Paul Revere and the Raiders
5. I had a good hair day [once I showered]
6. Had a good shower
7. got kisses
8. zzz...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Night Dinner Parties

This Friday has not been what I planned. It started pretty normally, aside from a sore wrist from shoveling snow the night before [at least it was a gorgeous night] but then slowly started going downhill to hell. But, without going into any particular details, I will say it was particularly unsurprising and now I am left with no license plates on my car but at least [technically] full ownership on it.

And now I'm calming myself down with wine and making spaghetti sauce, alongside the lovely music of Sophie Madeleine.

Surprisingly I haven't knitted in the last couple days and now I am craving to work on some knitted socks to complete up either my own little anklets I'm making from this dreamy yarn or Kyleman's [which will hopefully go faster this time!] so I think I shall knit before my mother gets home and true pre-dinner party mayhem starts.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

the joys of two jobs.

So far this week has been pretty darn weird.

Monday I barely remember, I think, because of how exhausted I was from my first shift at V.V. in a week.

Tuesday I was on-call at V.V. but if I didn't have to go in, I'd go instead to my second job, the Museum, for a meeting Only I didn't get called into V.V. but then Chas from the Museum called and told me the meeting was cancelled because everybody else had called in sick [they have a very small staff]. So I was left to clean my room.

Wednesday was the hormonal, cramps the size of China and a headache the size of Britain, gotta shuffle through the day at V.V. with a manager's meeting thrown in [and nothing ever goes right when the managers go in for their meeting. Nothing] kind of day. It was horrible. And to top it all off, Blogger didn't want me posting in that kind of state of mind so it wouldn't work for me last night. And my period key is becoming sticky enough that usually I have to press it either really hard or twice to actually get any punctuation mark at all.

Thursday, today, is hopefully going to be better. It's another one of those "if I'm not working one job, I'm working the other" type days and as of right now no one has called in sick. Except seems to just not want to let me see my inbox in anything other than basic HTML. Change that HT to a plain ole' F and you've got this week's motto thus far.

Also to go a head into the future a little bit, Friday, I was supposed to head up to Yorkdale mall with one of my favourite ladies of all time to check out Victoria's Secret and other lovely shops. But now I've been guilted and pleaded into helping my mother with her dinner party pickle [not an actual pickle, even though my mother is fond of pickle trays] since she works during the day, I don't, I cook better [that's probably a lie. However, I am awesome at cooking things that come in large pots] and she now has almost twice the amount of guests she was originally expecting.

One of my favourite mottos is "Life's a bitch, so bite back." well if Life keeps throwing me these little tribulations by Sunday, she won't be getting just a bite. She'll be getting a kick.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

love is Marina and the Diamonds

It makes sense that at 5 to midnight I would get the incredible urge to draw cartoons and scan them in [using the new printer I got for Christmas, takes up half my desk, and that I confusedly set up this afternoon on a cleaning break {seriously, it took me a couple tries before I figured out the paper tray is hidden and NOT the slot at the top that has a "paper in here!" picture}] except I know this is a bad idea which involves procrastination on sleep when I have an ACTUAL work shift tomorrow and not a [lame] on-call shift.

Also I'm beginning to wonder why I don't have more Marina and the Diamonds on my ipod. I mean, I have this song [my favourite] and this one too but why, oh WHY, haven't I just put aaaaaaaaaaaaall of them on? Like, for example, this song:

[p.s. good job, Blogger, on adding a youtube option to your videos! Bravo!]

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


As most of you may or may not know, I have two tattoos that look like this

and this

and now after seeing a co-worker's newest tattoo I am craving another one. Not that I wasn't before [having a total of 3 tattoos seems like a good number to me] but now I am going through one of my "desperately need to get new ink" phases. This phases always make Kyleman laugh.

So I've been looking around the internet [instead of cleaning my room as proposed: I figured since neither of my works ended up wanting me today, it was a divine sign telling me to clean] for inspiration.

Which happened to be the Beatles.

[I LOVE the Beatles.]

And now I am listening to their entire discography while pretending to start cleaning my room, trying to come up with some divine inspiration of my own that I hopefully won't regret later on in life.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bring out the red lipstick

So even though I was ready to party in the new year last night [par-tay dress, red lipstick and high heeled up] by the middle of the evening I once again realized why I don't really drink [I'm serious; alcohol and I have a horrible friendship/mild allergy to each other] and started my quest to become sober again.

Which really wasn't that hard since I had had only one drink by this point in time.

Thus instead of getting a cab home and leaving Kyleman's standard car at the party house, we all decided it'd be good practice for me to drive us all home. Much to my relief the drunkies kept their calm for nervous me, and were very much impressed when I got us home safely and only stalling the car once.

And that was the marvelous start to my new years!