I learned a valuable lesson today: never throw out 7/8 of your bar clothes just because you barely ever go out to bars anymore. One night you are going to have to go out and you will have nothing in particular to skank it up in. Yeah, I said skank it up. Where I'm from, that's how you have to do it if you go to a bar. Actually I think it's like that in almost every city in North America where 19 [if you're in Canada] to 24 year olds go out to drink. True story.
I have managed, fortunately, to stay on the classy retro side unlike what I was threatening Kyleman with earlier this week [quote I'm going skank it up so much on Saturday night you're going to be embarassed to be seen with me unquote].
There is just something about heading out in too short dresses/too low cut tops that I just can't do without feeling very awkward and sober. I usually end up sober [except on very special occasions]; alcohol and I have a very love-hate-I'm-going-to-cause-you-slight-allergies relationship. It's sad. I'm just glad I got all my drinking hoop-la out in the first couple weeks of turning 19 [go Canada!] and am now content with just 1 or 2 drinks and feeling just dandy.
Now if you excuse me, I'm off to persuade Kyleman that all this [imagine a giant arm gesture here towards my ensemble] deserves to be taken out for food and shown off before we're surrounded by drunk people who won't appreciate good fashion sense.
Tra la.
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