The life of a new graduate is tough. Trying to blog about it is even tougher, but I'll get over it.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Today two of my good girlfriends uploaded some pictures to Facebook from over Christmas and New Years Eve and I love them so much I thought I would share them! One of my regrets over break was I didn't have time to see everybody and everybody I did see I didn't see enough; so pictures that show the merriment we did have [like we ever have a bad time] give me great joy and giggles.
darling Brendan who I never get to see anymore because he goes to school far away.
dear Danilo, one of my bestest [yes, i know bestest isn't a real word, so sue me] friends, former locker buddy, Eastern European brother and too bloody tall.
This picure is quite epic and so I adore it. I also adore how Kyle and I are oblivious in the corner.
The hostess herself, darling Meggie.
Two of my favourite boys in one picture. Perfect.
We kept that fire going all night long.
Another one of my favourite boys: host, M. Finnegan.
I'll admit it: I'm usually always be the first to crash. I'm just not an all-night kind of person
Expect a post later. Maybe. I feel like if I add anything else to this post it won't make much sense so a new one is needed and will be written when I can actually type with two hands. Ta!
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