Tor's New Year's Resolutions
- Listen to more Queen
- Sing in the shower more often
- Actually study
- Stop staying up so late
- Keep trying new vegetables
- Attempt to walk to or from school at least once a week [weather permitting]
- Draw more, like I used to.
- Listen to more Queen
- Sing in the shower more often
- Actually study
- Stop staying up so late
- Keep trying new vegetables
- Attempt to walk to or from school at least once a week [weather permitting]
- Draw more, like I used to.
If someone were to ask me: How has the first two days of the new year been for you? I would answer that it has been marvelous. There is nothing like bringing in the new year with friends, wine and dancing; accompanied by a 1pm breakfast [peameal bacon, hashbrowns, toast and apple juice] and a slightly hungover field trip to the ROM [with this exhibit that somewhat rocked my socks because I am Ukrainian, but gave Danny an excuse to tease me about that fact, and, of course, the Dinos and this one that I swear was never there before - but really could have been. All three exhibits rocked my socks].
And although we didn't get a picture this year [with new additions of Sam and K-man], we did do a take 2 of this picture:

Because of course, we had to stand on our own [heritage] countries. Although this year we had a very firm discussion about the true location of Ukraine [I've actually just looked up a map of Europe and discovered Ukraine is a bit further down and I should really be standing almost in the same spot of Danilo. I'm glad we're not Geography majors].
Also on New Years Day, K-man and I celebrated our 6-months - which is quite exciting if only for the two of us since it is the first time this has ever happened to either of us.
Today was the day we got to see We Will Rock You, my momma's birthday present for me, which was pretty fabulous. We Will Rock You reminded me of how much I love Queen and was almost concert like in the fact that my sternum was pounding along to the beat almost the entire time and that I could sing a-long quietly to myself. It was brilliant. I highly suggest anyone see it if you enjoy rock and roll, loud music and great theatrics. It was slightly corny in a way, but that just made it so much better. Plus the lead singers were amazing. Erica Peck's rendition of Somebody to Love almost made me cry [as did Bohemian Rhapsody, although that was just orgasmic in itself].
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