Wednesday, January 21, 2009

a hazy shade of winter.

Whenever attempting to write an email to my gramma [who is not really my gramma but is my stepfather's mother and officially declared herself my Gramma 3 after my Dodie passed away] I never know exactly how to start. Or how to end for that matter. It's hard to know what is exactly appropriate and what isn't for an adoptive grandmother to hear and respond to.

That is why I'm instead making a list [or two] instead.

Top 5 Cartoons The Man Doesn't Play Anymore and I Miss:

5. Talespin
4. Pepper-Ann
3. Aladdin
2. Duck Tales
1. Darkwing Duck.

Five Favourite Things About Winter

5. Copious amounts of hot chocolate and tea are acceptable [and egg nog]
4. Cuddling with lots of blankets
3. Stockings and flannel.
2. Quiet snow storms
1. The cold pinching your cheeks.

The end. Time to make dinner.

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