Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mornings not welcome.

I am somewhat groggy today because A.T kept me up late into the night last night in his drunkenness and by shouting, 'TOR! TOR! TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!' when he came in the door at 1:30am and proceeding to keep me thoroughly awake until further notice.

I do not work well with little sleep. Luckily M-Cat gave us a ride this morning and Alex gave me money for tea [I'm assuming as payback for keeping me awake with his ramblings].

Anyways, unlike last year when I signed up with Rachel and Danica, I walked straight up to the registration table and right away got 2 spaces for the Juried Art Show. It's tres exciting and my first time doing a solo. Basically earlier I was so tired and just comfortable chilling in the library that I almost didn't go sign up - until I told Kyle this and he bullied me into going. Oh yes, bullied. Actually it was more, 'you'll be disappointed if you don't' and 'I'll be sad if you're not in the art show.'

Oh, the influence of a threateningly sad boyfriend.

So now I need to go buy a shelf to install for the cds and maybe a power bar. We'll see.

The main point of this entry is this: I'm groggy but not to groggy to say that the Juried Art Show is a must-see [not only for my pieces but it was fabulous last year and there's always amazing art!] and should definately be checked out this weekend starting Friday.

End of advertising.

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