Monday, March 30, 2009

army letters

Due to migraine - a dreadful thing that makes me just want to cuddle and sleep while someone rubs my head in the pitch dark - I ended up having to spend one more night in Oshawa, which frankly, sucked. Why? My mother's interferring with my migraine rituals and scaring the shit out of Kman about how serious migraines [not mine] can be and thwarting his and my wishes of him coming back over after he finished assignments, leaving him to be so frightened for my well-being he didn't text or call [my mother telling him to call HER first because she didn't want him coming over while I was sleeping] until quarter to 12 and me, being already overtly emotional because of the pain in my head, crying multiple times because I thought Kyle had forgotten me [and mother telling me he shouldn't come over now anyways because it was, gasp! 9 pm].


I should be leaving for the Gspot soon and have multiple things to do including a probable trip to Value Village with Nicole darling if there is not print time available since I have to try and make a schedule on how to fit all 4 assignments in before Thursday. Shoot me.

I also have a date with a skirt from H&M before I leave Toronto.

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