Due to migraine - a dreadful thing that makes me just want to cuddle and sleep while someone rubs my head in the pitch dark - I ended up having to spend one more night in Oshawa, which frankly, sucked. Why? My mother's interferring with my migraine rituals and scaring the shit out of Kman about how serious migraines [not mine] can be and thwarting his and my wishes of him coming back over after he finished assignments, leaving him to be so frightened for my well-being he didn't text or call [my mother telling him to call HER first because she didn't want him coming over while I was sleeping] until quarter to 12 and me, being already overtly emotional because of the pain in my head, crying multiple times because I thought Kyle had forgotten me [and mother telling me he shouldn't come over now anyways because it was, gasp! 9 pm].
I should be leaving for the Gspot soon and have multiple things to do including a probable trip to Value Village with Nicole darling if there is not print time available since I have to try and make a schedule on how to fit all 4 assignments in before Thursday. Shoot me.
I also have a date with a skirt from H&M before I leave Toronto.
The life of a new graduate is tough. Trying to blog about it is even tougher, but I'll get over it.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
subterranean homesick alien
I had an entry all planned out:
I was going to talk about how I was inspired by Nicole's entry on her love for paper and was going to explore it with my own emotions and rave, rave, rave!
I was going to talk about how Sundays usually make me feel blue.
I was going to talk about how it's almost the end of the school year, what courses I have chosen for next year and how that makes me feel.
I was going to talk about my ongoing love for Subterranean Homesick Alien by Radiohead.
I was going to talk about the cookies Kyle and I made two nights ago, the play we saw with my roommate in it and how we are now discussing elopement plans to Vegas to have an Elvis/extraterrestrial marriage ceremony [we really aren't].
But all I can really say is this:
I'm not a brilliant poet, but sometimes poetry works.
I was going to talk about how I was inspired by Nicole's entry on her love for paper and was going to explore it with my own emotions and rave, rave, rave!
I was going to talk about how Sundays usually make me feel blue.
I was going to talk about how it's almost the end of the school year, what courses I have chosen for next year and how that makes me feel.
I was going to talk about my ongoing love for Subterranean Homesick Alien by Radiohead.
I was going to talk about the cookies Kyle and I made two nights ago, the play we saw with my roommate in it and how we are now discussing elopement plans to Vegas to have an Elvis/extraterrestrial marriage ceremony [we really aren't].
But all I can really say is this:
I am homesick for my lover’s arms,
the way they wind their charms with
each touch, tendon
and glide down my cheek – like tears when we kiss with a passion
we know only comes when we’re desperate
for a firm compression of
an image, memory, of a
kiss each Sunday afternoon
or to mark that
in each other’s arms again,
tendons again tangling in curls of hair,
clavicles grasping to give hickies and
bellybuttons touching with kisses in
their own wily way
that never cease to amaze our toes when they tingle
and clutch during spasms of
sheer bliss
being in my lover’s arms.
I'm not a brilliant poet, but sometimes poetry works.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Mornings not welcome.
I am somewhat groggy today because A.T kept me up late into the night last night in his drunkenness and by shouting, 'TOR! TOR! TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!' when he came in the door at 1:30am and proceeding to keep me thoroughly awake until further notice.
I do not work well with little sleep. Luckily M-Cat gave us a ride this morning and Alex gave me money for tea [I'm assuming as payback for keeping me awake with his ramblings].
Anyways, unlike last year when I signed up with Rachel and Danica, I walked straight up to the registration table and right away got 2 spaces for the Juried Art Show. It's tres exciting and my first time doing a solo. Basically earlier I was so tired and just comfortable chilling in the library that I almost didn't go sign up - until I told Kyle this and he bullied me into going. Oh yes, bullied. Actually it was more, 'you'll be disappointed if you don't' and 'I'll be sad if you're not in the art show.'
Oh, the influence of a threateningly sad boyfriend.
So now I need to go buy a shelf to install for the cds and maybe a power bar. We'll see.
The main point of this entry is this: I'm groggy but not to groggy to say that the Juried Art Show is a must-see [not only for my pieces but it was fabulous last year and there's always amazing art!] and should definately be checked out this weekend starting Friday.
End of advertising.
I do not work well with little sleep. Luckily M-Cat gave us a ride this morning and Alex gave me money for tea [I'm assuming as payback for keeping me awake with his ramblings].
Anyways, unlike last year when I signed up with Rachel and Danica, I walked straight up to the registration table and right away got 2 spaces for the Juried Art Show. It's tres exciting and my first time doing a solo. Basically earlier I was so tired and just comfortable chilling in the library that I almost didn't go sign up - until I told Kyle this and he bullied me into going. Oh yes, bullied. Actually it was more, 'you'll be disappointed if you don't' and 'I'll be sad if you're not in the art show.'
Oh, the influence of a threateningly sad boyfriend.
So now I need to go buy a shelf to install for the cds and maybe a power bar. We'll see.
The main point of this entry is this: I'm groggy but not to groggy to say that the Juried Art Show is a must-see [not only for my pieces but it was fabulous last year and there's always amazing art!] and should definately be checked out this weekend starting Friday.
End of advertising.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
rainbow sherbert revisited.

It's somewhat fascinating to compare my parents now that I find myself getting closer to my dad and sometimes drifting farther and farther from my mum. She is a silly wicket and I question her sanity sometimes [especially when she suggests rainbows, cartoon caricatures and a castle on the hill to go in my final art project].
My dad totally saved my ass this evening before then going off to sweep Blondie 2 off her feet on their first date. Why Blondie 2 you ask? Because she's not Blondie 1, whom he's going on a date with Sunday. Oh yes, my dad has become a total player.
There are very few blonde people that I know that I like and/or defy the normal stereotype of blondes; otherwise, I'm not a big fan of blonde people.
I've decided on my final project for Extended Practices II, and I'm tres exciting. Although I feel this video [oh, yes, I'm diving back into video after making multiples for the last couple projects!] will expose me to everyone..a lot. Scary, but might be worth it. I'd explain more but I kind of want to keep it under wraps mostly until I get it completely going. Maybe next week kiddies.
On a last note, the purchase of Mabel by my father pour moi next year is basically a sure thing. He confirmed so tonight.
Who's Mabel?
My gram's Century Buick she's going to be selling next year.
The end.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
a decision

While enjoying my late-night solitude of the upper-story of my house - after realizing I was the only one who was actually going to do the garbage - of washing my face and enjoying be-bopping around in my underpants, I look in the mirror and gasp in horror and frustration.
The pearl from my nose stud if gone.
Well. I'm not going to walk around with a stud with missing bling in my nose. It's not cool; but the memories of the last time I tried to switch my stud into a straight pin rack my mind and my poor nose. But I've got to do it.
So after much planning and figuration, I twist out my no-longer-pearl stud, clean my nose and attempt to put in my little gold stud.
Eventually after a wee bit of blood, bending and pushing, I got it in. Whether it'll stay in who really knows. And honestly, I don't particularly give much of a fuck anymore. If it falls out during the middle of the night I'm going to take that as a sign and give up my piercing.
Yes, yes that is my plan.
Monday, March 9, 2009
gesture drawing
I got to enjoy a pretty long weekend and a lovely - if you can really call it lovely - Monday.
Thursday was field trip day to the AGO which was fantastic. I wish I had pictures actual pictures from the gallery but photos weren't allowed inside the museum. Boourns. But it was pretty dang fantastic; I saw my first Warhol, Yoko Ono and Rauschenberg.
Because being in Toronto made me closer to Oshawa than to Guelph [and I didn't have class the next day], I decided to hang out in Toronto with some good friends and then head home to see Kyleman.
Now, these good friends decided that we should go to a strip club - at 5 in the afternoon/evening - and then decided to buy me a lap dance without warning [until, that is a very nice stripper named Candy came up to me and asked me how I was doing that night]. Finnegan told me it was the best $20 he had ever spent because of how awkward I was. I live to be my friend's amusement.
The rest of my weekend was spent hanging out with Kyleman: hanging out on his campus, a midnight steak dinner with his friends, shopping in Toronto [after much going back and forth between my parents on who had what, my father has generously donated his old record player and vinyls to me, which is wonderful because I feel like Jens Lekman and Beirut would be glorious on vinyl], and then back to Guelph for some good lovin', Food Network and food in general. I dropped him off at the bus terminal this morning.
This morning I had my second art project recommended to be entered into the juried art show by my prof. Woo!
Thursday was field trip day to the AGO which was fantastic. I wish I had pictures actual pictures from the gallery but photos weren't allowed inside the museum. Boourns. But it was pretty dang fantastic; I saw my first Warhol, Yoko Ono and Rauschenberg.
Because being in Toronto made me closer to Oshawa than to Guelph [and I didn't have class the next day], I decided to hang out in Toronto with some good friends and then head home to see Kyleman.
Now, these good friends decided that we should go to a strip club - at 5 in the afternoon/evening - and then decided to buy me a lap dance without warning [until, that is a very nice stripper named Candy came up to me and asked me how I was doing that night]. Finnegan told me it was the best $20 he had ever spent because of how awkward I was. I live to be my friend's amusement.
The rest of my weekend was spent hanging out with Kyleman: hanging out on his campus, a midnight steak dinner with his friends, shopping in Toronto [after much going back and forth between my parents on who had what, my father has generously donated his old record player and vinyls to me, which is wonderful because I feel like Jens Lekman and Beirut would be glorious on vinyl], and then back to Guelph for some good lovin', Food Network and food in general. I dropped him off at the bus terminal this morning.
This morning I had my second art project recommended to be entered into the juried art show by my prof. Woo!
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