Monday, April 23, 2012

look at me go!

Well, look at that! A second post in a relatively short period of time! And I'm feeling much better today [other than a small headache but I'm ignoring it until it goes away]

Today is going to be a lazy day - my day off for the week, and a rainy one at that. One of my major goals of today is doing laundry and possibly dragging a suitcase up from the basement. Why a suitcase, you may ask? Well, let me tell you! Sunday Kyleman and I will be heading off on a wonderful vacation pour deux. It is super exciting since this is our first week-long trip together ALONE.

We'll see if both of us come back at the end of the week. Hehe.

In other news, this is what I accomplished today:

Purl Soho's Short Row Sweater in Tanis Fibre Arts Fingering. I am in love with this and have enough left over for some socks!

I also started this last night

It's a leg warmer for a cutie-patootie little girlie I know. I've been debating the colour scheme I chose - The stockinette part is actually two different shades of pink, it's just funny how a like they became once I started knitting it. Now it makes me wonder if the cuff is too drastic a change. Although little girls seem more open to slightly mismatched things.

I also realized how many projects I have on my plate and how many more should be on my plate, not including projects I want to do just because. Let me count the ways:

1. The sweater my mother connived me into
2. a wedding afghan for my friend  [ay carumba]
3. these leg warmers
4. a baby shower present for my darling friend - which is really difficult for me because I want to make her so much! But because it's a gender surprise, I'm going to have to save all the cutie-patootie girlie stuff until after the birth [I think it's going to be a girl; I've only been wrong once]. Yes, Ewa, I am talking about you. 
5. my socks!

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