Monday, July 19, 2010


A little while ago, after purchasing a Vogue knitting magazine with many wonderful, wonderful patterns in it, I decided to try my hand at lacework using a semi-easy pattern to create a parachute top. All was going well for my 104 stitches until I realized I forgot to check the gauge properly and calculated I had about 15 stitches too many because of my chosen yarn.

But hey, I thought, it's a parachute top so if it's a bit baggier than what it says, that can't be bad, right?

Except then in an attempt to reduce a stitch in a place where I knew I was an extra stitch, I accidentally moved the entire pattern over a wee bit. Oops. And although I don't think it's totally noticeable unless you a) look really hard or b) are a much better knitter than I am and can otice things like that right off, I figured it's close enough to the bottom that it won't really matter. But I'm still in debate [and utter agony] about ripping it all out and starting again with smaller needles.

If I had shown my gram this, she already would have ripped part of it out and told me to restart [how do I know this? Because she's done that to me before with a sleeve]. Oh, the agony! I'm sure there are plenty of knitters out there who have had to restart monstrous projects before. It's just

And so the lesson of the day is always check your gauge before you get too enamored.

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