Tuesday, December 29, 2009

good morning, starshine.

As I've mentioned before, one thing I really, really hate in a twisted, loving way is getting up early in the mornings. Which is what I have to do tomorrow morning since my father decided to move about an hour away and I have to be there for 8:45 AM so Valerita, Melisshannigans and I can be on the road to Montreal for around 9. Yuck.

There is nothing groovy about waking up at 6:30 in the morning in December: it's cold and it's still dark out. Where is the joy of waking up to darkness? It just confuses you. Mostly me.

And that is my bedtime rant for this evening [that, and the asshole who took up two spots at the FULL parking lot of the movies this afternoon - sacre bleu! But that is a story not worth telling]

Thus I leave you with this amazeballs video - because everybody has a Billie Jean in their life and should appreciate this kid's mad skills:

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