Saturday, November 21, 2009


In one of my few ditzy moments, I came to the painting studio only to realize that I forgot my source image at home. In the classic words of the new generation: FML.

Luckily for me, Sam was still at home and coming to campus this afternoon and is graciously bringing my sketchbook for me. Hallelujah, praise be to Sam. Because otherwise I would have been pissed, annoyed and downright downtrodden.

It would have been alright if my car was fine. But she's not. I think her brake fluid is leaking and so since, distinctively, yesterday evening, I've been having to push through quite a pad of air to actually get my car to slow down - which frankly, freaks me out every time. Not fun. So this morning I had to shift my mode of transportation last minute and has left me semi-carless until Friday at 1pm when I have a mechanic appointment. Except the mechanic I've been recommended to go to is on the far side of the G spot. Faaaaar away from where I live. Again: FML.

Please, Lord, don't let me die before I graduate. I don't want to die a college dropout.

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