I, unfortunately, gave the sweet, little old Scottish lady cashier a hard time this morning while trying to buy tea and banana bread since I couldn't truly comprehend what change she wanted me to give her because I was up monstrously late writing a paper that did not argue for neo- or post- conceptualism like I was supposed to.
I am a horrible person.
However, I DID finish my paper and now just need to edit and write an annotated bib for it [I hate annotated bibs.] and hopefully my prof. won't think that I'm too sarcastic near the end. Although I did hold make from all the ridiculously witty and unacademic comments throughout the rest of it. For example: 'Conceptual art is like the grenade in rock, paper, scissors - it beats all.'
ho hum.
p.s. Check out the Gold Book [more officially known as Check This Shit Out]
p.p.s. I really wish I was at home napping and/or knitting and/or watching Howl's Moving Castle.
p.p.p.s THIS REMINDS ME OF A STORY! Essentially remember how I said my brakes stopped working over the weekend? Yesterday I took my car into Crappy Tire to get them fixed enough so that I could take it home to get Mr. S. to look at the rest of it. And because of this I am now an arm and a half plus a leg shorter. HOWEVER, the good news is that is Mr. S. says that it will cost too much money to keep Mabel a-runnin', Valerita, my new pseudo-stepmum, told me I could have her old car [!!].......if I can learn how to drive standard. Which apparently my real mother thinks that I can't. Boo-urns to you partay-poopy-ay.