Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I haven't listened to your voice in a very long time.

I haven't been able to wear my contact lenses in a while, a long while, the longest while in a while, because everytime I've worn them since I ordered new ones have made my eyes quite red and depending on the day itchy, or make it seem like there's a cataract in my left eye. Quite annoying. I thought things had been going quite well with them this evening, Kyleman even commented on my wearing them and how cute I was, until I took them out and my left eye started redding up. Very annoying.

Anyways, have become completely addicted to the Sims again, which I have been told by a friend is the most useless game in the world which is true but also makes me wonder...has he ever played it himself? [Speaking of this friend, I'm going to take a minute to pimp out his radio show which I listening to right now: go to cfru.ca, stream 2, and listen to Andrew T and the Dynamo Elite which plays pretty rad music every Tuesday night 10-12pm EST. Check out his facebook fan page if you don't believe me.] However, the Sims is totally addicting if you've ever been the "I-Want-To-Be-God" type. Which I sort of am. But not really. I think it's more because I am, by nature, an art kid and have been told on multiple occasions by a prof. who fulfills the stereotype completely that artists have addictive personalities.

True story. She told us on atleast 8 different occasions [and showed pictures!] this one project done by a student who owned only one dvd: Doctor Strangelove and took every single scene in the movie and recreated them with inanimate objects around his house. If you've never seen Doctor Strangelove, go rent it, download it, do SOMETHING to get it and watch it while paying attention to every time the camera changes angles, because everytime it does, this kid made a new set.

If that isn't obessive, I don't know what is.

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