Friday, July 10, 2009


In 1880 a 16 year old boy named Tenick Boyns Robinson died and was buried in the Oshawa Pioneer Harbour Cemetery, now moved to the Bonnie Brae Point Cemetery.

Mostly, because I love his name, I have a small dead person crush on Tenick - it's sad but true, and in my mine not usual. How many people have crushes on dead movie stars? Mine just happens to be a nobody with a cool name [the story actually is that his first name was the maiden name of his father's first wife and his middle name was his mother's maiden name. His poor mother].

The last two days I've been at work I haven't really wanted to work so of course, I've been making semi-complicated and varieted lists in hopes they will actually help me one day and for my own amusement. Yesterday in my head seemed constantly like Friday and now that Friday is actually here, it feels like the week has dragged on so much that I need a nap.

On a happier note though, Kyleman and I went on a the first date in a long time together and enjoyed dinner and the movie Up in 3D. I highly suggest it.


Nicole said...

You shouldn't waste your time having a crush on a dead nobody with a cool name. Just write TENICK BOYNS in your "List of Names I May give my firstborn Son".

Problem solved. You have now combined a name that is crush worthy with your beloved pastime of list making.

Toria Loria said...

I tried to propose that name to Kyle but he shot it down since he had a cat named Tannick once upon a time. But your idea is a good one.