I haven't written in a while, I know - shame on me. Tut tut.
The last couple weeks I've been attempting to lay low as much as possible to conserve money while working almost constant shifts at my summer job. Two days until pay day and when I can buy Regina Spektor's new album.
Why don't I just pirate it like I do my other music, you ask?
Because she is an artist I am thoroughly willing to spend my money on. Including for a concert ticket to see her for my second time in Toronto in September. Hurrah, I say! Hurrah!
For now, I must content myself with researching the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837 while somewhat awkwardly sharing an office with someone who seems allergic to work and being on time.
On an ending note, I feel like I am in a completely jazzy/big band/smokey music type mood and that a pillbox hat with a face net/veil would be appropriate.
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