Yesterday I got back from Cuba, which was lovely [aside from the heat rash and mild disagreement on my stomach's part] and warm. I managed to get a lot [and by a lot I mean over 200] of pictures, like these:

Now I'm home and have to catch up with my Christmasy things - ie. finish wrapping presents, and attempt to de-thaw cookie dough.
Tonight is Christmas Eve with my lover's family which shall be exciting as I've already established my lovable reputation with them over a wedding weekend earlier in the year [as I was typing this, Kyle's cousin Karen sent me an endearing 'yo bitch' message on Facebook telling me to be there tonight with my dancing shoes. I feel the love] so I'm excited. They apparently exchange gag gifts at Christmas but in some random way which Kyle really hasn't explained to me [aside from 'my aunt punked this awesome moose from me last year'] so I have no idea how it's going to work aside from that I didn't have to wrap my present [which was a mini disco ball: which, while cool, I think is slightly uncreative].
Christmas is my favourite holiday. I think it's going to be positively brilliant this year. All my free time is starting to be eaten up by plans: Dads tomorrow, possible ROM plans on Boxing day, sledding Monday, casino [!] Tuesday, New Years Eve quite probably in Toronto Wednesday, Kyle's and my 6 months New Years day [corny to celebrate, I know but it's a first for both of us so it's tres exciting] which might include a day in Toronto but atleast a lovely dinner, then going to see We Will Rock You in Toronto the 2nd [birthday present from ma maman! how exciting!]. I'm also trying to organize a belated birthday bash with my Shwa crew.
So really, I barely have any time left. I definately need to make a schedule.
I, too, am experiencing that post-christmas time crunch! So many promises made, visits scheduled, and peeps to see and oh-so-very little time!
Tell me about it! Sometimes I forget that I have the daytime too to make plans, but usually people are all about the nighttime which really limits planning time!
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