Thus tonight a bunch of my favourite people and I are going out for dinner. And tomorrow night my absolute favourite person [Kyleman, duh] is taking me out again. I am spoiled with lurve.
Before being spoiled with lurve though, I've been spending my afternoon making some gingerbread deer.
I had fun experimenting with icing and facial expressions appropriate for deer. Including a Harry Potter deer.
[his scar got a little less lightning mark like due to the slight liquidy property of my fly by the seat of my pants icing]
Also also I've almost finished my Christmas knitting. The only thing left is some ribbing on Kyleman's sweater. Due to the fact that it's a pattern from the 70s and I wasn't thinking that I should block it before seaming, the length worried me a bit and so I made him try it on early. Which I'm glad I did as it'd really only be perfectly long enough if he wore higher pants. Unfortunately he is a modern man and wears low slung everything [don't worry I'm not talking about wigger-style; his boxers are always covered!] and therefore I was forced to add on a couple extra inches of ribbing along the bottom. Le sigh. Well better now than on Christmas day in front of all our family.