I think it might get pushed aside for a second read of Emma [Oh, how I feel like I need a dose of Mr. Knightley now!] or Super Paper Mario [thank yooooou, mall gift card] for that matter. Or The Sims 3.
[I'm being consumed by technology.]
Anywhos, wish me luck for tomorrow - I'm going in for my new second job orientation, so let's hope I don't screw up.
p.s. has anyone seen the new Rango trailer where they show the production of it with clips of the actors rehearsing? Every time it comes on, I stop to turn and watch it. Amazing.
p.p.s. Rango made me think of Black Swan that's out now, which I saw two nights ago. It is eff'ed up but amazingly brilliant. If Natalie Portman doesn't get an Oscar, I will go into shock. And then cry.
p.p.p.s. the end. I promise.