Saturday, March 27, 2010

stop in the name of pants

Perfect song of today: If She Wants Me - Belle and Sebastian.

One set of my parents and one stepsibling are coming up tomorrow, supposedly with dog in tow even though I've told them it's supposed to rain tomorrow and our downtown area that mum is so excited to walk through, is not especially dog-friendly.

I think she was getting slightly annoyed with me for trying to pressure her not to bring Binner.
Somehow I feel like a big argument is going to happen tomorrow....hmmmmmm......

Monday, March 22, 2010

growing up

The closer I get to graduation, the more I start thinking about what I want in life and if I am truly ready to leave my Alma Mater and/or go on to further education right away.

I feel like this is throwing me into a sort of graduation-life crisis which compels me to want to throw dinner parties, read a vast majority of books that have nothing to do with school and daydream about painting in my garage over the summer with Led Zeppelin blasting.

To go along with this, my mother and I are in talks of redoing my room at home over the summer which has started a great wave of want for a new bedroom set [I've been sleeping in the same bed since I was old enough to have a big girl bed!] and I've become in love with the HEMNES collection from IKEA, specifically this dresser:


Sunday, March 7, 2010


I feel like one of my worst habits is leaving socks all over my room. I keep running across a random sock or two and consider tossing them into my laundry basket but then instead end up only tossing them somewhat close.

In other news, after spending a delightful weekend with my cousin, I now have to settle down and catch up on work I decided wasn't important enough until today. This is a slightly stupid plan, but luckily most of my work can be done on my bed while drinking tea [except I've run out of milk] and watching When Harry Met Sally, my new favourite movie.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I should be studying for my impending midterm tomorrow. But of course, I got distracted and rediscovered an absolutely gorgeous song by the Kooks [I've begun to notice that when I transferred most of my music collection to my external hard drive, that a bunch of songs disappeared - this song being one of them. How sad].

So without further ado, I Already Miss You; make sure you have some kleenex nearby, ladies and sensitive gents.

Monday, March 1, 2010

dear Scott Campbell,

Tonight I discovered the illustrations of Scott Campbell and his work is kinda what I wish I drew like. Here are my three favs thus far:

Show Off 5 because I love Julius Caesar
The Tea Spilling because I would cry if I ever spilled my tea too
Four in Need of Refreshment because the Beatles are awesome.