Before I headed to class this morning, as I was fussily tried to decide what to wear [and consequently missed the first bus] I got the heavy feeling that today was going to be a bad day.
I was wrong.
The most lucky and coincidental thing that happened today was that both my presentations that were scheduled for today I didn't end up doing - one because we ran out of time, the other because my prof realized we were all losing interest and so ended the class early-ish [she, apparently, didn't even have me down on the list! how strange and coincidental].
Also on a side note, I've just discovered Alphabeat's [one of my faaaaaaaaaaavourite bands] new album, The Spell, and their singles are AMAZEBALLS. I do, however, still think their earlier album This is Alphabeat is better - but let me listen to the new one a little bit more and maybe I'll change my mind.
I know I had something else to say but the thought of sitting in bed reading and/or knitting has robbed me of that thought; SO! I leave you with a doodle from night class and an amazing song to end.