After writing that last post and looking at some other posts from other blogs, I remembered that it is, in fact, a new year and I completely forgot to do anything to celebrate it resolution-wise or reminiscing-wise.
Jess, who I was talking about earlier, and I talked about 2009 earlier today and for her, 2009 was a very exciting year with many great, exciting things and new experiences happening for her. I could not think of a very great, monumental thing that had happened. There were many great and fabulous moments: Kyleman's and my first anniversary together, the birth of Nessa-boop, my fairy goddaughter, and a few other things but all in all, I perhaps consider 2009 to be a pretty tame year. I'm hoping 2010 might take me for a bit more of a ride.
I also don't really have any resolutions. I never seem to; life changes so much does it really make sense to set goals that may seem unreasonable months later when circumstances change and you have to survive the best you can? Perhaps survive is too strong a word.
Forced, my resolutions are these:
1. Be less cranky with Kyle when it's that time of the month
2. Work hard at school to get into grad school.
3. Not have a mental breakdown if I have to move to big, scary Toronto.
4. Eat more salad; learn to use less caesar dressing.
5. Finally put my emergency car kit in Mabel's truck before dire circumstances arise and I curse my forgetfulness.